Special Announcement for Request for Applications (RFA)
For thirty-four years, the Drummond Foundation has funded important Scientific Research Grants for projects from scientists and practitioners across Canada that have added to our nation’s collective knowledge in support of healthy ageing. This funding has supported the exploration of innovative avenues, leading to new contributions to existing scholarship and to improved therapies in the fields of gerontology and geriatrics. We are very proud of this longstanding legacy and of the contributions made by the scientific and medical communities that the Foundation has supported over the past three decades. The growing health care crisis faced by seniors, brought into sharp focus by the COVID-19 pandemic, has led the Foundation to engage in a process of profound reflection on the future design of the initiatives the Foundation should undertake to maximize the impact of its funding on the lives of Canadian seniors both now and in the future. As a result, we will not be accepting Scientific Research Grants Applications in 2023.
During this period of reflection, the Foundation will continue to operate its Community Initiatives & Grants process that has run in parallel to the Scientific Grants process over the past three decades. Innovative and creative thinking remains an important Foundation priority and we look forward to finding new ways to leverage our support in this domain. We are grateful for the contributions of the Scientific Research community to improving health outcomes for seniors over the years. We encourage you to return to this webpage as our support for geriatric and gerontology research continues to evolve.
Recent Research Grant Summaries
2020 to 2022
Faithful to its roots, the Drummond Foundation is committed to providing “relief from suffering and distress”. The Foundation’s support for research on ageing-related issues has allowed investigators across Canada to study a wide gamut of issues affecting the quality of life of older adults and their families.
Subjects for research have included:
• physical exercise for older adults in short-term care
• therapy for anxiety and depression
• the impact of singing on older adults’ mental health
• the health and well-being of caregivers
Summaries of projects that were awarded grants from 2021 to 2023 are below. They were submitted by applicants with their Applications in the second phase of the application process as concise descriptions of their research. They are included to give a sense of the scope of the research projects that have been funded. For a list of all past recipients, see Drummond Research Grant Recipients
Méthodologie : Cent soixante-quatre patients seront recrutés et randomisés dans un des deux groupes : 1) exercice (EX.: n=82) ou 2) témoin (TEM: n=82). Les patients du groupe EX s’entraineront 5x45-60 min/semaine (exercice aérobie, musculaire et d’équilibre) pendant toute la durée de leur hospitalisation (=25 jours), alors que les patients du groupe TEM recevront les soins usuels. La qualité de vie (questionnaires SF-36 et EQ-5D-5L) et des variables secondaires (indépendance fonctionnelle et capacité physique) seront évaluées avant et après 25 jours d’hospitalisation, ainsi qu’à la sortie de leur séjour (si ˃ 30js). Les caractéristiques de la population seront collectées dans les dossiers médicaux et les variables de contrôle seront évaluées (suppléments alimentaires, risque nutritionnel, durée du séjour, présence de chute et de délirium pendant le séjour). Cette étude permettra d’établir si l’intégration de ce type d’intervention au sein du programme en UCDG est nécessaire pour améliorer la qualité des soins.
This proposed research project is an extension of the phase one pilot work completed this summer. In this second phase of the research, we aim to further examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on FCGs providing care for PLWD across the province of Alberta. We will examine the gaps in essential information and resources that FCGs have experienced during the pandemic and the impact of these gaps on FCGs and the older adults with dementia for whom they provide care. The goal is to generate recommendations for policy makers, public health officials, and caregiving resource agencies that enhance access, efficacy, and supports for FCGs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Broken bones, or fractures, cause pain, difficulty walking around, loss of independence, and even death. The number of fractures increases dramatically with age and one in three women and one in five men will have a fracture in their lifetime. Diabetes also becomes more common with age, and often co-exists with bone loss and fractures in older adults. Despite this, fragile bones remain an under-recognized complication of diabetes in the older adult population. Exercise can prevent muscle and bone loss, improve metabolic health, and is a promising strategy for fall and fracture prevention. Current diabetes guidelines recommend regular exercise to prevent classical; diabetes complications (high blood sugar, high blood pressure) in at-risk populations. However, considerable knowledge gaps exist regarding the impact of exercise on bone health among older adults with diabetes and diabetes-specific tools, resources, and services focused on exercise for fracture prevention are lacking. We will survey adults over 50 years of age with diabetes to learn more about their bone health and exercise information needs and behaviours. We will work with patients and health care providers in endocrinology, internal medicine, geriatrics, kinesiology, and nutrition to develop a bone health and exercise education program for older adults with diabetes. We will consult on their goals, preferences, and barriers for the education program. We will test how usable it is with older adults with diabetes, and get their feedback. We will then apply for funding to do a large study to evaluate if our education program resources and delivery framework works, and to determine the costs associated with implementing it relative to the benefits. Our work will advance knowledge and practice on fracture prevention and management in diabetes, and create a person-centred education program promoting safe and effective exercise to improve bone health in older adults living with diabetes.
Drummond Research Grant Recipients
1989 - 2023
Since 1989, researchers across Canada have benefited from support for their work aimed at improving the quality of life for older adults. The principal investigators and the titles of their research proposals are listed below.
Dr. Nadine Akbar
Faculty of Health Sciences
Queen’s University
Community Navigators as a Means to Address Loneliness among Older Adults with Depression or Anxiety: A Pilot Study.
Dr. Émilie Breton
Faculty of Medicine
Université de Sherbrooke
Améliorer la qualité de vie et le bien-être des patients en unité de courte durée gériatrique : effet de l’implantation d’exercices physiques de groupe en sus des soins de réadaptation
Dr. Gwen McGhan
Faculty of Nursing
University of Calgary
Conducting a Gap Analysis of Family Caregivers’ Needs during a Global Pandemic
Dr. Jenna Gibbs
Department of Kinesiology & Physical Education
McGill University
Identifying and addressing bone health and exercise information needs in older adults with diabetes: A mixed-method study
Dr. Ashwini Namasivayam-MacDonald
Faculty of Health Sciences
McMaster University
The Effects of Whole-Body Exercise on Swallowing Function in Older Adults with Dementia
Dr. Dawn C. Mackey
Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology
Simon Fraser University
Outcomes in Physical Activity Trials for Older Adults: Toward a Core Outcome Set
Dr. Raphael Freitas de Souza
Faculty of Dentistry
McGill University
Better Oral Health for a Health Cognition: Investigation of a New Pathway
Dr. Diane Tapp
Laval University
Research Centre – Laval University (CRIUCPQ-UL)
“We gave him / her the protocol”: Retrospective Cohort Study of the use of the End-of-Life Respiratory Distress Protocol (RDP) in Older End-of-Life Patients in the Province of Quebec
Dr. Soham Rej
Research Member of the Lady Davis Institute
Jewish General Hospital
Preventing Cognitive Decline in Older Adults with Depression and Anxiety using Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
Dr. Lisa Kakinami
Research Member PERFORM Centre
Concordia University
Diet for Arthritis (DART): Project to assess eating behavior and build a targeted intervention for people with arthritis
Dr. Pascale Tremblay
Université Laval
Centre de Recherche CERVO
Effet protecteur du chant sur la communication, les interactions sociales et le bien-être dans le vieillissement
Dr. Sylvie Lambert
McGill University
Ingram School of Nursing
Older adults with a chronic physical condition and comorbid depression and their family caregivers: Partners in the co-design of a dyadic self-care intervention
Dr. Claudine Gauthier
Concordia University and PERFORM Centre
Vascular Contributions to Improved Cognitive Performance after Cognitive and Aerobic Training
Dr. Rosalie Wang
Dept. of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy
University of Toronto
Intelligent Assistive Technology and Systems Lab
Evaluation of an Outpatient Upper Limb Robotic Therapy Program for Older Adult Chronic Stroke Survivors
Dr. Patricia da Cunha Belchior
Faculty of Medicine
McGill University
School of Physical and Occupational Therapy
Home-based Cognitive Intervention to Improve Functional Autonomy in Individuals Diagnosed With Mild Cognitive Impairment
Dr. Avril Mansfield
University of Toronto
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
Can Augmented Feedback Facilitate Learning Reactive Balance Control among Older Adults?
Dr. Dawn C. Mackey
Simon Fraser University
Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology
Healthy Steps: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Exercise to Improve Walking Energetics, Fatigue, and Activity in Older Adults with Mobility Limitation
Dr. Jennifer Campos
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
The Importance of Multisensory Feedback During Driving in Healthy Older Adults
Dr. Debbie Laliberte Rudman
The University of Western Ontario
Older Adults’ Lived Experience of Age-Related Vision Loss and the Vision Rehabilitation Process: Service and Environmental Influences on Participation and Social Inclusion
Dr. Deirdre R. Dawson
Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care
Scientist, Kunin-Lunenfeld Applied Research Unit
Maintaining Autonomy as we Age: A Strategy Training Approach to Ameliorating the Effects of Age-Related Executive Dysfunction
Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch
University of British Columbia
A critical analysis of the healthcare needs of adults with intellectual disabilities and their families
Dr. Manuel Montero-Odasso
Lawson Health Research Institute
Can cognitive enhancers reduce the risk of falls in older people with dementia? An open label study with age Matched controls
Dr. Tracey O’Sullivan
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Ottawa
Enhancing Family Quality of Life Following Stroke: Coping Strategies Utilized by Family Caregivers to Protect their Health and Well-Being
Dr. Ron Postuma
Montreal General Hospital
Caffeine for Excessive Daytime Somnolence in Parkinson’s Disease – Effects on Sleepiness, Motor Manifestations, and the Potential for Neuroprotection
Dr. Krista Lanctôt
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Predictors of Depression among Elderly Patients with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Dr. Corinne Fischer
St. Michael’s Hospital
Determining the Impact of Dementia and Executive Impairment on Antidepressant Treatment Response in Older Persons
Dr. Sharon Kaasalainen
McMaster University
Medication Management for Older Adults with Dementia
Dr. Lora Giangregorio
McMaster University
Fragility Fracture: The Patient’s Perspective of Osteoporosis Management and Information Needs
Dr. Alain Leroux
Concordia University
L’exercice physique chez les personnes âgées atteintes d’un accident vasculaire cérébral : effets d’un programme d’exercice communautaire de longue durée sur la récupération fonctionnelle et la qualité de vie
Dr. Patricia McKinley
McGill University
School of Physical and Occupational Therapy
The Use of Argentine Tango Dance to Promote Socialization, Enhanced Balance and Mobility, and Cognition in: Elderly in Transition to Frailty
Dr. Anna Byszewski
The Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus
The Regional Geriatric Assessment Unit
Dementia Diagnosis Disclosure: A Study of Patient and Caregiver Experience
Dr. J.E. Tranmer
Kingston General Hospital
Gender Differences in Self – Management Capacity, Use of Informal and Formal Support and Health Care Outcomes in Elderly Patients with Heart Failure: A Feasability Study
Dr. Eliane Duarte-Franco
McGill University
Departments of Family Medicine and Oncology
The Value of HPV Testing in Cervical Cancer Screening for Older Women.
Dr. Mary McNally
Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre
The Silent Epidemic of Oral Disease: Evaluating Continuity of Care and Policies for the Oral Health Care Of Seniors.
Dr. Ysabel Provencher
University of Moncton
Classes sociales et représentations de la santé chez les femmes âgées francophones de la région Urbaine De Moncton, Nouveau Brunswick.
Dr. Robin L. Stadnyk
Dalhousie University
Personal Contributions to the Cost of Nursing Home Care: Policy Differences and their Impact on Community-dwelling Spouses.
Dr. Nadine Gagnon
Toronto General Hospital
Psychological and Psychiatric Aspects of Fear of Falling in the Elderly
Dr. Raewyn Bassett
University of British Columbia
Refining and Validating an Outcome Measure: Qualitative Goal Attainment Scaling
Dr. Sandra Samuels
University of Toronto
Institute for Human Development, Life Course & Aging
The Effectiveness and Efficiency of a Structured Adult Education Group Intervention “A Time for Me”
Daniel L. Lai
Faculty of Social Work
The University of Calgary
Research Affiliate, Centre on Aging, University of Victoria
Validation of the Chinese Geriatric Depression Scale for Chinese Seniors in Canada
Dr. Sarah Shidler
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Consideration of Quality of Life of Older Community Dwelling Adults with Cancer in Making Life-Prolonging Treatment Decisions
Dr. Brenda Brouwer
School of Rehabilitation Therapy
Queen’s University
A Randomized Control Trial Evaluating the Effectiveness Of Two Programs in Reducing Fear of Falling and Improving Quality of Life in Community Dwelling Seniors
Dr. Elsie Culham
School of Rehabilitation Therapy
Queen’s University
Biomechanics of Foot Orthotics in People with Medial Compartment Knee Osteoarthritis
Maria PJ Huijbregts BSc PT, MHSc
Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care
Standardisation of the Continuing Care Activity Measure (CCAM)
Dr. Johanne Monette
Lady Davis Institute
Jewish General Hospital
Programme d'interventions communautaires qui visent à optimiser la thérapie pharmacologique des personnes âgées fragiles
Professor Lilian M. Wells
Faculty of Social Work
University of Toronto
Study of Secure Gardens in the Care of People with Alzheimer's Disease
Dr. Lise R. Talbot, Ph.D.
Centre de recherche du centre hospitalier
Approche infirmière systémique familiale
Dr. Benoît Lévesque
Centre de Santé Publique de Québec
Evaluation du Risque Environnemental Dans des Habitations à Loyer Modique (HLM) Susceptible de Causer des Chutes Chez les Personnes Agées
Dr. Alexandra Papaioannou
McMaster University - Department of Medicine
Efficacy of Home-Based Exercise for Improving Quality Of Life and Reducing Risk of Future Fractures Among Elderly Women with Symptomatic Osteoporosis-Related Vertebral Fractures
Dr. Lise R. Talbot, Ph.D.
Centre de recherche du centre hospitalier
Evaluation d'interventions infirmière systémiques auprès de familles dont un des membres âgé, a subi un accident vasculaire-cérébral et retourne dans la communauté
Dr. George A. Kuchel
Division of Geriatric Medicine
Montreal General Hospital
Hormonal Contribution to Detrusor Hyperactivity with Impaired Contractility: A Common and Currently Untreatable Cause of Urinary Incontinence in Elderly Women
Dr. Johanne Monette, M.D., M.Sc.
Division of Geriatric Medicine
Sir Mortimer B. Davis - Jewish General Hospital
Incapacités et coûts reliés à l'utilisation des services de la santé
Dr. Zarina Lam
Faculty of Health and Social Studies
The Hong Kong Polytecnic University
Department of Applied Social Studies
Impact of Multi-Disciplinary Case Management Education On Social and Family Care of Chinese Frail Elderly in the Community: Cultural Comparison in Chinese Societies and Canadian Context
Dr. Daphne Nahmiash
The McGill Centre for Studies in Aging
Douglas Hospital
MCSA Professional Home Care / Ambulatory Care Program
Dr. George A. Kuchel
Geriatric Medicine and Internal Medicine
Montreal General Hospital
Pathophysiology and Treatment of Bladder Detrusor Weakness in Urinary Incontinence of Older Women
Dr. Edward Waked
The Development of an Insole Offering Improved Balance and Comfort in the Elderly
Dr. John Richardson
Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
Microtubule Dysfunction in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease